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Orchid x Ascocenda -  How to grow and growing information. 

x Ascocenda Orchid is a Bi-generic hybrid genus of Orchids. The crossing was between Orchid Ascocentrum and Orchid Vanda. The result is quite a spectacular range of colours and flowers typified by the images below. There are many named cultivars.

The flowers and growth are upright in habit, with evergreen foliage. As with most orchids, the Ascocenda group are epiphytic - taking their food requirements from the atmosphere and not the roots, which are mainly for anchorage purposes.

Below, you will see the orchids growing in baskets which allow them to extend their roots, and to a certain extent replicate their growing conditions - or the growing conditions of their parents - wild in tree branches in Thailand, Burma and India.

Ascocenda orchid showing the aerial roots

x Ascocenda Orange Crush

Ascocenda Orchid root system

x Ascocenda 'Pine River

Normally, they grow in hot, humid climates, and require full light - though a little dappled shade in the hottest summer months. Ascocendas flower for a long period - and often in the winter months.

They should be freely watered, and misted as often as possible in non-humid climates. A cool greenhouse or conservatory is also suitable. A main requirement is good light and sunshine.

Liquid feed can be applied to the foliage - better than trying to feed in the normal manner for other plants!


They sometimes produce basal offsets which can be cut away with roots in order to produce new plants.  The new shoots can be simply wired into a basket, or planted in open orchid potting compost in pots that will allow the roots to 'escape'. If using pots, ensure the translucent pots that can be bought for growing orchids.

Pests Diseases and Problems

Mealy bug, Red Spider and Aphids can be problem pests.

How to grow the x Ascocenda Orchid Indoors


The x Ascocenda Orchid is a beautiful and exotic flower that can be grown indoors in the UK. Pruning is an important part of caring for this orchid, as it helps to promote healthy growth and flowering. Pruning should be done regularly, as it helps to keep the orchid looking its best and encourages new growth. It is important to use the right tools and techniques when pruning, as this will ensure that the orchid is not damaged in the process. With the right care and attention, the x Ascocenda Orchid can be a beautiful addition to any home in the UK.

The History of Introducing the Ascocenda Orchid to the UK

Ascocenda, a man-made hybrid orchid genus resulting from a cross between Ascocentrum and Vanda, boasts large flowers and is famous for its blue cultivar, Ascocenda John De Biase 'Blue'12. This report delves into the history of introducing the Ascocenda Orchid to the UK, its distribution, popularity, significant milestones, and its impact on the UK's orchid industry.

  • Discovery and Introduction to the UK

    The first Ascocenda was produced in 1949 by Dr. Christos Plutarchou Sideris, a plant physiologist based in Honolulu3. The introduction of Ascocenda to the UK is intertwined with the history of orchids becoming Britain's favorite flower. Orchids, once found only in tropical jungles, have journeyed over 200 years to become the nation's most popular houseplant. However, specific details about who introduced Ascocenda to the UK and when are not readily available.

  • Popularity and Distribution

    Ascocenda orchids, along with other genera like Cymbidium, Cattleya, Dendrobium, Miltonia, Phalaenopsis, and Vanda, have been introduced to various parts of the world, including India, for breeding and propagation5. In the UK, the popularity of orchids, including Ascocenda, can be attributed to their exotic allure, the variety of colors and shapes they offer, and the relative ease of growing them indoors.

  • Significant Milestones and Development

    The creation of the first Ascocenda in 1949 by Dr. Sideris marked a significant milestone in orchid hybridization3. Another notable development is the cultivation of the Ascocenda John De Biase 'Blue', a renowned intergeneric hybrid between Ascocentrum and Vanda species.

  • Impact on the UK's Orchid Industry

    The introduction of Ascocenda and other orchids has significantly influenced the UK's orchid industry. Orchids have evolved from being exclusive, high-end flowers to popular houseplants, contributing to the growth and diversification of the UK's horticulture industry4.

  • Conservation Practices and Future Prospects

    While specific conservation practices for Ascocenda in the UK are not explicitly mentioned in the sources, it is reasonable to assume that they would follow general orchid conservation guidelines. These could include habitat preservation, seed banking, and propagation techniques like tissue culture.

    As for future prospects, Ascocenda's popularity suggests a promising future in the UK's orchid industry. Continued breeding and hybridization efforts could lead to new varieties, further enhancing its appeal among orchid enthusiasts.

In conclusion, while the exact details of Ascocenda's introduction to the UK remain elusive, its impact on the UK's orchid industry is evident. Its popularity as a houseplant and the potential for new hybrids suggest a bright future for Ascocenda in the UK.

Light Requirements for the x Ascocenda Orchid

The x Ascocenda Orchid is a beautiful and exotic flower that can be grown indoors in the UK. Pruning is an important part of caring for this orchid, as it helps to keep the plant healthy and encourages new growth. When pruning, it is important to remember that the x Ascocenda Orchid requires bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can be too harsh and can cause the leaves to burn. Place the orchid in a spot that receives bright, indirect light for at least four hours a day. This will ensure that the orchid receives the light it needs to thrive.

Water Requirements for the x Ascocenda Orchid

The x Ascocenda Orchid is a beautiful and exotic flower that can be grown indoors in the UK. Pruning is an important part of caring for this orchid, as it helps to keep the plant healthy and encourages new growth. When pruning, it is important to remember that the x Ascocenda Orchid requires a lot of water. Watering should be done regularly, and the soil should be kept moist but not soggy. If the soil is too dry, the orchid will not be able to absorb the water it needs. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the orchid is not exposed to direct sunlight, as this can cause the leaves to burn. With the right care and attention, the x Ascocenda Orchid can thrive indoors in the UK.

Temperature Requirements for the x Ascocenda Orchid

The x Ascocenda Orchid is a beautiful and exotic flower that can be grown indoors in the UK. Pruning is an important part of caring for this orchid, as it helps to keep the plant healthy and encourages new growth. When it comes to temperature requirements, the x Ascocenda Orchid prefers temperatures between 18-25°C during the day and 15-20°C at night. It is important to keep the temperature consistent, as sudden changes can cause the plant to become stressed and can even lead to death. If you are unable to maintain the ideal temperature range, you can use a fan to help circulate the air and keep the temperature more consistent.

Soil and Nutrient Requirements for the x Ascocenda Orchid

The x Ascocenda Orchid is a beautiful and exotic flower that can be grown indoors in the UK. Pruning is an important part of caring for this orchid, as it helps to keep the plant healthy and encourages new growth. When pruning, it is important to remember that the x Ascocenda Orchid requires specific soil and nutrient requirements in order to thrive. The soil should be well-draining and contain a mix of organic matter, such as peat moss, and inorganic matter, such as perlite. Additionally, the soil should be supplemented with a balanced fertilizer to provide the orchid with the necessary nutrients. With the right soil and nutrient requirements, the x Ascocenda Orchid can be a beautiful addition to any home.

Pest and Disease Management for the x Ascocenda Orchid

Pruning is an important part of pest and disease management for the x Ascocenda Orchid. Pruning helps to keep the plant healthy and free from disease, as well as encouraging new growth. Pruning should be done in the spring and summer months, when the plant is actively growing. Start by removing any dead or damaged leaves, as well as any diseased or pest-infested parts of the plant. This will help to reduce the spread of disease and pests. Pruning should also be done to encourage new growth and to keep the plant looking neat and tidy. When pruning, make sure to use clean, sharp tools and to sterilize them between cuts. This will help to prevent the spread of disease and pests.

Pruning and Propagating Methods for the x Ascocenda Orchid

Pruning and propagating the x Ascocenda Orchid is an important part of keeping it healthy and vibrant. Pruning is the process of removing dead or damaged leaves and stems, while propagating is the process of taking cuttings from the plant and growing them into new plants. In the UK, the best time to prune and propagate the x Ascocenda Orchid is in the spring, when the plant is actively growing. When pruning, it is important to use sharp, clean scissors or shears to avoid damaging the plant. When propagating, it is important to use a sterile cutting tool and to make sure the cutting is taken from a healthy part of the plant. After taking the cutting, it should be placed in a pot with moist soil and kept in a warm, humid environment until it has rooted. With proper pruning and propagating techniques, the x Ascocenda Orchid can be kept healthy and vibrant for many years.

A Comprehensive Guide to Propagating the Ascocenda Orchid

Ascocenda is a man-made hybrid orchid genus resulting from a cross between Ascocentrum and Vanda1. Known for their vibrant colors and large flowers, they are popular among breeders and enthusiasts alike. This guide will provide an overview of the ideal conditions for growing Ascocenda Orchids and offer a detailed propagation guide.

Background Information and Ideal Growth Conditions

Native to the tropical regions of Asia, Ascocenda Orchids thrive in warm and humid environments. They require bright but indirect sunlight, regular watering, and high humidity to flourish. They prefer well-draining media like bark or coconut husk chips.

Propagation Techniques

Seed Germination

Orchid seeds are minute and require specific conditions to germinate. Sowing them in a sterile flask filled with nutrient agar is a common practice4. This method, called flasking, provides the seedlings with a controlled environment free from pathogens and pests.

Vegetative Propagation

Vegetative propagation involves taking a cutting from the mother plant and encouraging it to grow roots. For Ascocenda, the most common method is top cutting, where the top part of the plant is cut off and planted separately. Cuttings should ideally have at least three leaf nodes.

Tools Required for Propagation

For seed germination, you'll need sterile flasks, nutrient agar, and a sterilized pair of tweezers. For vegetative propagation, a sharp, sterilized knife or pruning shears, rooting hormone, and a pot with suitable medium are necessary.

Comprehensive Instructions for Optimal Propagation

  • Harvesting Time: Seeds should be collected when the seed pod is fully mature, typically around six months after pollination6. Cuttings can be taken any time the plant is actively growing.
  • Climate: Ascocenda Orchids prefer a warm, humid climate. The temperature should ideally be between 21-29°C (70-85°F) during the day and 16-18°C (60-65°F) at night.
  • Sunlight: They need bright but indirect sunlight. Prolonged direct sun can burn the leaves.
  • Watering Frequency: Water thoroughly once the top inch of the potting medium is dry. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Soil Structure: Ascocenda Orchids prefer well-draining media. Bark or coconut husk chips are commonly used3.
  • Nutrient Requirements: Regular feeding with a balanced orchid fertilizer is necessary for optimal growth. A 20-20-20 formulation is recommended.

In conclusion, with the right tools and conditions, propagating Ascocenda Orchids can be a rewarding experience. Remember, patience is key when it comes to orchid propagation!

A step-by-step guide on how to propagate Ascocenda Orchid using the vegetative propagation method:

Identify the Division Points: Look for natural division points where the plant has grown into separate sections. Each section should have at least three healthy roots and two or three healthy leaves.

  • Separate the Sections: Use a clean, sharp tool to separate the sections at the division points. Be careful not to damage the roots or leaves.
  • Prepare the New Pot: Fill a pot with well-draining orchid mix3. Ascocendas typically do well in bark or coconut husk chips.
  • Plant the Sections: Place each section into a separate pot, ensuring that the roots are spread out and not cramped3. The base of the leaves should be level with the top of the potting mix.
  • Water the New Plants: After planting, water the new plants thoroughly. Then, let the potting mix dry out slightly before watering again.
  • Place in Suitable Conditions: Place the new plants in a warm location with bright, indirect light1. Ascocenda Orchids thrive in temperatures between 21-29°C (70-85°F) during the day and 16-18°C (60-65°F) at night.
  • Monitor Growth: Keep an eye on the new plants. If they appear to be struggling, they may need more or less light, or the humidity may need to be adjusted.

Remember, patience is key when it comes to orchid propagation. It may take some time for the new plants to establish themselves and start growing visibly.

Encouraging Blooming of the x Ascocenda Orchid

The x Ascocenda Orchid is a beautiful flower that can be grown indoors in the UK. Pruning is an important part of encouraging the blooming of this orchid. Pruning should be done in the spring, when the orchid is actively growing. Start by removing any dead or damaged leaves and stems. Then, cut back the stems to the desired length, making sure to leave at least two leaves on each stem. This will help the orchid to focus its energy on producing new growth and blooms. Pruning will also help to keep the orchid healthy and encourage it to bloom more often.

Potential Challenges and Solutions for Growing the x Ascocenda Orchid Indoors

One of the potential challenges of growing the x Ascocenda Orchid indoors is the need for pruning. Pruning is essential for the health of the plant, as it helps to keep the plant in shape and encourages new growth. Pruning should be done regularly, as it helps to keep the plant looking its best. However, it can be difficult to know when and how to prune the x Ascocenda Orchid. In the UK, the best time to prune is in the spring, when the plant is actively growing. Pruning should be done carefully, as the plant is delicate and can be easily damaged. It is important to use sharp, clean pruning shears and to remove any dead or damaged leaves. Pruning should be done in a way that encourages new growth and helps to keep the plant healthy.

In conclusion, growing the x Ascocenda Orchid indoors can be a rewarding experience. With the right light, water, temperature, soil, and nutrient requirements, as well as pest and disease management, pruning, and propagation methods, you can successfully grow this beautiful flower. Additionally, understanding the potential challenges and solutions for growing the x Ascocenda Orchid indoors can help you to ensure that your orchid blooms and thrives. With the right knowledge and care, you can enjoy the beauty of the x Ascocenda Orchid in your home. So, take the time to research and understand the needs of this orchid and you will be rewarded with a beautiful and vibrant flower.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Questions and Answers:

Q1: What is the best light requirement for the x Ascocenda Orchid?

A1: The x Ascocenda Orchid prefers bright, indirect light. It should be placed in a spot that receives at least 4-6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day.

Q2: How often should I water the x Ascocenda Orchid?

A2: The x Ascocenda Orchid should be watered once a week, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

Q3: What temperature should I keep the x Ascocenda Orchid in?

A3: The x Ascocenda Orchid prefers temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C).

Q4: What type of soil and nutrients should I use for the x Ascocenda Orchid?

A4: The x Ascocenda Orchid should be planted in a well-draining, airy potting mix. A mix of equal parts peat moss, perlite, and bark is ideal. The orchid should also be fertilized every two weeks with a balanced fertilizer.

Q5: How can I prevent pests and diseases from affecting the x Ascocenda Orchid?

A5: The best way to prevent pests and diseases from affecting the x Ascocenda Orchid is to keep the plant in a clean environment and to inspect it regularly for signs of infestation. If pests or diseases are found, they should be treated immediately.

Q6: What is the best pruning and propagating method for the x Ascocenda Orchid?

A6: The best pruning and propagating method for the x Ascocenda Orchid is to remove any dead or damaged leaves and stems. The orchid can also be propagated by division or by taking stem cuttings.

Q7: How can I encourage blooming of the x Ascocenda Orchid?

A7: To encourage blooming of the x Ascocenda Orchid, it should be placed in a spot that receives at least 4-6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day and kept in temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). Additionally, the orchid should be fertilized every two weeks with a balanced fertilizer.

Growing Orchids - General Article  Oncidium Orchids : Vanda Orchids


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